Badeucy is a LowBall split pot Game, not to be mistaken for a High-low game.
Half of the pot is awarded to the best Badugi Hand, 2345 with four different suits, aka a rainbow hand is the nuts. Unlike Badugi, in Badeucy an Ace is considered a High card.
And the other half is awarded to the best Deuce to Seven hand. 23457 is the nuts. flushes and straights count against you as these are considered High hands.
So the best hand you can make in Badeucy is 23457 for the best 2-7 with the 2345 being rainbow to have the best Badugi as well. Always remember Ace plays High in Badeucy.
Just like Badugi & 2-7 there are 3 Discard rounds, the betting is fixed limit although this could be adapted in Home Games etc.

Top Tip
when a strong Badugi is made be aggressive in most instances you will be guaranteed to win half of the pot, and will be freerolling to win the entire pot.
More in depth game rules on Badugi & Deuce – Seven can be found in their respective categories.