I am very pleased to announce I am now a member of the ACR Stormers stream team.
It’s an honour to be the only Brit currently to represent ACR.
You might be wondering why I have joined the Stormers when I have such an abundance of poker options at my fingertips.
As a streamer who has a passion for showing my love of explaining my thought process, the ACR stream team opens myself up to other avenues, being able to reach out to a further market. The streaming market is one that is very competitive, being able to stand out from a crowd is a necessity, and I feel I can definitely achieve this as a Stormer member. I would like to give a shout out to fellow Stormer member https://twitter.com/chatrevoked who gave me a helping hand in applying to become an ACR stormer. You can check his stream out here: https://www.twitch.tv/search?term=chatrevoked
Being from the UK I look forward to showcasing what ACR has to offer. Showing others that ACR is a site that us Europeans can play on, Enjoy and be rewarded with their generous reward system.

As a player who enjoys an array of different poker variants I will continue to play and stream on other sites so you will still get to see me play funky games such as Badacey, as a Stormer though I will be dedicating a few days a week where I will solely be streaming on the Americas Cardroom Platform. I will be starting off primarily focusing on my Cyclone challenge, details found here
Want to come and play alongside me on ACR Poker? Click the banner Below. And enjoy a 100% Deposit bonus, 200% if using Crypto currency. Log in for 20 day’s in a row and get $50 in free cash.

For more information about myself check out my Bio here
New to Crypto Currency? check out my article about how I buy and sell crypto.